677 research outputs found

    Nota corta. Análisis de heterogeneidad entre aislados de Mycoplasma pullorum por medio de técnicas de amplificación de DNA polimórfico

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    Mycoplasmas were isolated from chickens with respiratory problems during field investigations of a concentrated respiratory disease outbreak in western Cuba, 1997. A high percentage of mycoplasma cultures from tracheas and air-sac lesions yielded pure cultures of Mycoplasma pullorum. The aim of the present work was to investigate the heterogeneity among M. pullorum isolates from Cuba and strains from other countries using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques. The results show that the RAPD method may be a useful identification tool for studying the epidemiology of poultry mycoplasmosis in Cuba.En 1997 se aislaron micoplasmas en el curso de investigaciones de campo en pollos con un brote de enfermedad respiratoria localizada en la zona oeste de Cuba. Un alto porcentaje de los cultivos de micoplasmas procedentes de lesiones de tráquea y alveolos revelaron la presencia de Mycoplasma pullorum. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la heterogeneidad de los aislados cubanos entre sí y con cepas de otros países, mediante la técnica RAPD (DNA polimórfico amplificado al azar). Los resultados muestran que la técnica RAPD puede ser una herramienta de identificación útil en el estudio de la epidemiología de la micoplasmosis aviar en Cuba

    The dilemmas of parental mediation: continuities from parenting in general

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    This article examines how much parent-child interactions around the online world reflect broader, more long-standing parent-child relations and parenting dilemmas. It does so through exploring the meanings that parents give to their parenting practices and the beliefs that underlie parental mediation their children's online activities as well as the reasons for any differences between their broader normative approach to parental mediation and their actual practices. Qualitative in-depth interviews conducted with 26 Spanish parents of children aged 9 to 16-years-old found that many parents favoured the managed progression of children towards more autonomy and gave reasons why it was important to trust older children. However, the analysis explores a range of dilemmas parents experience when trying to implement these ideals, where issues of privacy, trust and managing that progression all proved to be problematic

    Caracterización preliminar de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (CH4 y CO2) procedentes de volcanes de fango del Golfo de Cádiz

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    Mud volcanism represents an important migration pathway for methane and other gases from deeper reservoirs to the surface; however most submarine sources remain poor quantified. During SUBVENT2 cruise, water column over several mud volcanoes were surveyed for gas seepage characterization. Water samples of ROV Niskin and Rosette-CTD Niskin bottles were recovered above the Bonjardim, El Cid, Las Negras, Mercator, Algacel, Mvseis, Madrid and Yuma mud volcanoes, and at three newly discovered, mud volcano like structures, to quantify overall gases release fluxes from seabed. CO2 and CH4 concentrations were measured by potentiometric titration and using a gas chromatograph, respectively, in order to understand the relationship between physicochemical and geological processes. Gases concentrations decreased from shallower to deeper mud volcanoes. Values varied widely within 50 to 200 nM for CH4 and between 400 to 1500 μatm for fCO2. Greenhouse gases variations were large influenced by water column depth, temperature, salinity and possibly by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Our observations suggest that the emission of methane and carbon dioxide from the mud volcanoes structures studied here may be relevant at the present as a part of the carbon global cycle.Versión del edito